This was all about creatively deciphering & materialising children’s dreams, and finding ways to honour and nurture those dreams and nightmares. I shot this story back in May 2020 in my studio in Balmain, Sydney, and it didn't come out in The Netherlands until the end of September I think. And due to covid restrictions I haven't received the hard copy, but the team at Happinez sent me the PDF to share with you here.
The following text is an edited excerpt from my Patreon post about it in November 2020, where I share a more raw/in depth look at the process from receiving the story brief from the art director, and how I go about creating the scenes. In the Patreon post, I shared the whole article, and translated it from Dutch to English. I’ll share a couple of these translations with you in this post too…
This, literally, was a dream shoot for me, on every level! I absolutely loved making this, it was one of those briefs that sent tingles through my body when I read it.
I love conceptualising the ideas for each of these feature stories, it's one of the best parts of the process - something seemingly intangible, and turning it into something tangible. The very first shoot with them back in 2016 was this too - the Christmas shoot which was about finding a visual way to gift experiences rather than objects. So not easy, but so up my alley! I see clearly now too that part of my joy is in being able to make tangible the intangible. When someone comes to me and says "I don't know how to connect with my intuition" or "I want to create art but I don't know exactly what" it feels like standing by the shore looking out to the vast ocean, I love that place that is on the edge of the unknown, it excites me, I am not in fear of it, I am in awe of it.
Anyway, I digress! Back to the shoot.
I was sent a list of dreams, and I had a few of my own from Laly's dream journal (with my help and encouragement she's been writing down her dreams since she was little), then I let my intuition begin it's work, dreaming up dream-making ideas! This is my idea of bliss really.
It is written in Dutch by Nicole Van Borkulo. I think you'll really enjoy the words as much as the imagery for this, and it's my hope that it will spark some ideas in your own life, not just for the kids but for your inner child, to become aware of your dreams as they are a vital part of connecting with your intuition. Enjoy...
Text by Nicole Van Borkulo
Photography and Styling by Pia Jane Bijkerk
For Happi Kids, issue 3 2020
We process the impressions of our day into the night. Dreams feel very real and can range from super funny to scary. Whatever dream your child has had, it is important to take it seriously. If you make a craft together, the fantasy becomes manageable and the dream can have a place...
The Monster Pot
Dream type: Monsters, ghosts & witches The top three most common nightmares include chases by monsters or other dangerous creatures. Before these lead to fear of going to sleep, work with your child to come up with a solution to outsmart the monsters. If you let your child contribute ideas, it has a greater chance of success. For example, ask your child if he likes the idea of drawing or cutting the samples he fears from cardboard. As detailed as possible. Put them in a jar, saying a co-invented "monster spell" and put a big lock on it. Because the monsters have now received attention during the day, they no longer have to speak up at night.
This has become one of Laly’s favourite creatures to sleep with. I made it for the shoot but it’s now hers. I made it with textiles I had lying around, and it turned into a sleeping swan. She calls her “Winter” which I am told you have to say with a French accent “vin-teer”
The Comfort Hug
Type of dream: Getting lost, losing mum, or dreams that you have lost your way or cannot find your parents occur regularly.
A hug can help with the feeling of being alone:
especially if it is specially made for that. A feeling of safety when there is something nearby that can be firmly grasped when things get overwhelming. Ask your child to draw a creature that she feels connected to, that makes her feel safe - it doesn't have to be a real creature. As to material, you can use whatever you have on hand - an old knitted sweater for some warmth, or soft cotton for cuddling - no washing is necessary, the scent of mum also works wonders.
Dream flying
Dream type: Flying and falling.
Dreams about flying are often about freedom and liberation from something, falling can indicate insecurity, the fear of letting go of something. It can be scary, so high in the sky, especially when you are out of control. If it is a recurring dream, you can come up with a more pleasant ending to the dream or come up with a tool, in this case, for example, that there is always a cloud nearby that you can land on when it gets too intense, or a nest of a bird where you can make a stopover. You can do this by making a messy ball of white wool and filling it with real flowers from the garden. Literally making something related to the dream makes a fantasy more manageable.
The rooms in your head
Dream type: The house.
Houses in dreams often represent the dreamer's self-image. All rooms represent something else: the attic can represent the mind, the cellar the subconscious. The condition of a house also says a lot: some rooms may need renovation and others are in very good order. It's fun to imagine what it means, but keep it playful and light, for example by recreating the house in the dreams. Using a box as a base, paint it in a nice color and make curtains from an old piece of fabric. For the props you can cut and paint characters from thick paper, use dollhouse furniture if necessary. Hang the dolls on a string through small holes in the top, or leave it open so you can make them move. The house can be adjusted if something has been "processed".
"A life without dreams is like a garden without flowers" Gertraude Beese
If you’d like to read the full article translation, you can do so by joining my Patreon wandering hearts collective.
With Love,
Pia xx