May your wandering heart never get lost. Carry this with you...
Here it is dear friends, my new online space. After many months of building, it is ready to share, to enjoy, to ignite... I don't want to say too much about it in this post, I'd love you to peruse it at your leisure first, as though you are beachcombing perhaps, to see what you might find that touches your heart...
I will say this though - it has only just gone live, so there may still be a few glitches as it reaches around the world, and if so I'd love you to let me know. At this stage we know that the import of the old blog (understandably there are 9 years worth of photographs & posts) didn't go through completely and there are many images from older posts that haven't been carried over. We will be rectifying this next week.
But apart from that, everything should be working, clickable, downloadable.
And there are two surprises for you. Two new works that I've kept very quiet about. Both are available for you to take home now. And I'll give you two clues only: one you can listen to, the other you can read & view with your children & your inner child.
I'll be sharing more about the making of these works in coming weeks.
Thank you beautiful souls, for keeping a space for me in your hearts all this time while I've been journeying through the dark forest of the last couple of years. I've come through to the clearing now. I can feel the sun on my skin, I can hear the ocean waves, and I can touch the soft earth. It's all meant to be, and I'm ready to stand up straight, face to the sun and glow again. I hope you enjoy what comes from this new space as much as I love creating and being here.
If you feel moved by anything you see (or hear!) in my latest work, please feel free to share it with your friends and community.
A massive thank you to my beautiful partner in life, Romain for helping me build the site and make my vision come to life. And the biggest hug to my close friends for keeping me ignited through the whole process.
With Love,
Pia xx