...beach combing with my Love.
I've just sent out my first introductory Everyday Alchemy newsletter. With some personal stories woven through, it's about easing into our creative flow...
"easing into the flow of my own energy", my mantra for this October.
The only way you can read it and get access to the information I'll be sharing in it is to sign up. So if you haven't signed up yet and would like to receive this first newsletter, you still can, just type in your email address below:
In more wonderful news I have a half price sale for My Heart Wanders, and if you sign up for the newsletter you receive a further $5 to make it just $25. I only have a limited number of copies, so the sale is on for just one month only while stocks last. It's the perfect time to buy the book for friends for Christmas. Shipping is available all over the world. And if you'd like more than 5 copies and live in Sydney, let me know.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau
With love,
Pia xx